We are saved by God's grace as a gift, not as a result of anything we've done to earn it. In response to this incredible gift of love, we should find ourselves compelled to live lives marked by the fruit of God's spirit within us, and sharing that love with everyone we encounter.

Who you are in Christ changes everything about how you live your life because it is no longer all about you, it’s all about Him. God wants us to bring honor and glory to Him through everything we do and say whether it is at work, our homes, friendships, relationships, family. How are you living out God’s agenda?

Our culture continues to drift further away from the foundations of biblical Christianity, and we can often find ourselves encountering open hostility toward the standard God sets in His Word. Given our call to love our neighbor, how do we live out our biblical worldview day-to-day within a culture that rejects it?

The Worldview Next Door

Learning about other worldviews can help us love our neighbors better by understanding where they're coming from. Instead of arguments and conflict, we can show them love by sharing the hope we have in Jesus Christ with gentleness and respect.

Worldview Prologue

Understanding the truth of who God is will change everything about how we see the world. If we believe that God is the creator and sustainer of all things, and out of His love for us He sent His Son to be our Savior, then it's God's Word - the Bible - that should set the standard for how we are to live our lives.

Can I Trust the Bible?

If the Bible is true, it will have the ultimate impact on our lives. But how can we trust and be certain the Bible is true if it was written thousands of years ago? Take a tour through evidence - both Biblical and scholarly - to see why we reach the conclusion that the Bible is the true and accurate Word of God. It's the key to the life-changing freedom found in Jesus Christ.

Believers - the Gifted

God gave us the greatest gift, His son Jesus, and through Him we receive the gift of grace. But once we receive it, what do we do with the gift? God calls us to be good stewards of the life He's given us and to walk humbly in obedience to His Word.

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