Engage: Marriage & Parenting

Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Beginning September 4th

How do you build a strong marriage and family? We believe it's through God's design. Marriage and parenting can be sensational if we put into practice the tools and models God's Word provides. Engage will equip you and your spouse with those tools in a fun, relational way including real-life Bible-based topics, peer discussion, and encouragement from host couple leaders. 

Engage is designed for both strong marriages to get stronger, and challenging marriages to get healthy. We'll also tackle parenting challenges through the biblical model of discipling our kids in grace and truth. 

Engage is held in the Worship Center and childcare is available and childcare is included at no cost!

Modules are typically four weeks long. You can participate in just one module or in several throughout the year. Attend as a couple or with your whole small group!


The Truth About Successful Marriages
Why are some marriages successful and others fall apart? Part of the answer includes your mindset and expectations. While our culture would have us believe marriage is all about romance, the truth is that a successful marriage is about serving one another, and helping one another grow in their relationship with Jesus. Some Christians think they have to travel to a foreign country to tell others about Jesus when in reality, your spouse is your first and primary mission field.

Conflict Resolution
What happens when things go off the rails and conflict enters your marriage? Is there a right and a wrong way to resolve it? How does a couple 'fight fair'? Why do even the simplest disagreements blow up into huge arguments? Because we're all sinners, conflict is inevitable, especially in marriage. Get equipped with the tools to turn conflict that separates into conversation that unites.

Marriage is never free from outside influences. We all bring in baggage - sometimes it's self-image issues or trauma we've experienced in our past. Sometimes it's extended family that puts a wedge between us and our spouse. Over time, this 'baggage' can weigh down even the strongest of marriages. How do we keep our marriage first and address outside factors as a united front?

Questions about Engage? Email us at