As we walk through a life of challenges and valleys, God’s promise is to protect and provide for us. Even when it feels like the world is stacked against us, pushing us constantly in the opposite direction of our faith, we can find rest in our Good Shepherd who is with us every step of the way.

Hard times, challenges and suffering are a reality of living in a fallen, broken world. The promise of God - our Good Shepherd - is that no matter what valleys we arrive at in life, He’ll be with us every step of the way, lovingly leading us through the darkness, providing comfort, and reminding us of the hope of eternal life with Him forever.

What does it mean to have your soul restored? Because of sin, our souls - the essence of who we are - were lost and separated from God. But through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, he paid the penalty for our sin so that our souls could be restored into a right relationship with God. What’s more is that God constantly works in the lives of His people, molding and shaping us to be more and more like Jesus, leading us on the path of righteousness, even when we wander.

Godly Rest

How do you find rest? We might think we’re finding rest in things like vacations and entertainment, but more often than not those things are simply enjoyable distractions. The rest that God offers is for our very souls - a freedom from fear and anxiety that comes when we put our full trust in Him. It’s a rest that can endure even the most challenging circumstances life can bring.

Psalm 23 compares the Lord to a shepherd who cares for their sheep. Within that metaphor is a beautiful picture of God who perfectly leads, guides, protects, corrects, and provides for us. Our responsibility is to know and listen to the Shepherd’s voice, put our full trust in Him, and follow His lead in every aspect of our lives.

There’s never been a king like Jesus. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey - a symbol of peace - as his followers praise him as the Messiah. While some wanted Jesus to take charge politically, Jesus did something much greater. Through his sacrifice, he brings peace between God and man, fulfilling his role as Savior, and establishing His Kingdom for all eternity.

What does Jesus expect from his followers? While it could be easy to simply receive the gift of salvation and then remain in quiet comfort, Jesus calls us to Kingdom work - using the resources, gifts and talents God has given each of us to step out of our comfort zone and make disciples. Are you ready to get to work for the Kingdom?

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. We all have people in our lives that are hard to love, and some are simply hard to even be around. But Jesus invites us to look past someone’s reputation and see them with compassion. The truth is, we’re all sinners in need of a Savior. Do you have a heart for people who don’t know Jesus?

Jesus came to the world with a clear mission: to seek and save the lost by becoming the perfect sacrifice for our sin. Even though the salvation of humanity was his focus, he also never lost sight of the individual, taking time during his ministry to show love, value and compassion for everyone who sought after him in faith. Through his love and sacrifice, we all find healing for our souls.

Dependence isn’t seen as a virtue in our culture, and yet Jesus held up infant children as an example of what God desires in His Kingdom. In our world full of comfort and wealth, we can easily fall into the trap of looking to ourselves for all our needs instead of being dependent on God. Jesus warns a rich young ruler not to put his faith in himself and his wealth, but to place his trust in Jesus instead.

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Sermons by: Genesis In The Beginning

Sep 08, 2019

Walking With God

God called Abraham to "walk before me, and be blameless". But how do...

Aug 25, 2019

The Model of Grace

God reveals His plan of grace to Abraham and demonstrates that His...

Aug 18, 2019

The Promises of God

God's promise to Abram was that he would become a great nation. Despite...

Aug 04, 2019


The tower of Babel represents mankind's attempt to live apart from God...

Jul 28, 2019

The Flood

In the face of a world that had completely turned away from God, Noah...

Jul 21, 2019

Why the Flood?

God is grieved by sin. In His justice, He must deal with sin, but...