Real Love

Jesus tells us that one quality above everything else will show the world that we’re his followers: love. While our world gives the word ‘love’ many meanings, Romans 12 paints a clear picture of what real, genuine Christian love looks like and how we can put it into practice every day.

Why We Serve

The Bible compares the church to a body: one unified whole made up of many different parts or members, all working together for the glory of God. Each part of the church body is uniquely important as we’re called to use our God-given gifts and abilities to serve one another in love and humility. Where is God calling you to serve within the church body?

Living Sacrifice

The world constantly works to conform us in many ways, from advertisements to political parties to social media algorithms. As Christians, God calls us to renew our minds daily - anchoring our attitude and mindset in Christ so that we can shine his light throughout the world in which we live.

Equip The Church To Follow Jesus

God designed His church to be the hope of the world - a place built on the foundation of Jesus Christ with the mission of making disciples who follow Jesus in every aspect of their lives. Our vision at Highlands is a simple plan to fulfill that mission: to equip the church to follow Jesus.

Strategies for Sharing Your Faith

Sharing the gospel is something we can do with the people we already know, at the job we already work, and in the neighborhood we already live. We need to begin having conversations with the people around us and ask the Lord to open the door to sharing the gospel.

The Power of Personal Testimony

All of us have a unique story to tell about how we’ve been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Our personal story of God working in our lives is a powerful way to share the gospel with others, and can help bring hope and encouragement to those who feel lost and alone. Have you told someone your story?

The Spiritual Battle

It can be hard to share our faith with others. Sometimes it’s because of our own insecurity, and sometimes it’s the result of spiritual forces opposed to the gospel working in the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we’ve been empowered to overcome our internal struggle as well as the forces of darkness to bring the light of the gospel to the world around us.

Why Share The Gospel?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news of hope for a broken world. Jesus entrusted this message to his followers to share amongst their friends, communities and throughout the world, and if you’re a Christian, you believe because someone shared the gospel with you. With news this good and an assignment so clear, why don’t we share the gospel more often?

When we look at the state of our world, it can be tempting to question God. Why do some believe and others not? Why do some people seem more blessed than others? We can forget that the things we witness and perceive are just a tiny sliver of God’s plan for humanity from the beginning of time. When the Bible gives us a glimpse of the depths of God’s design, and we humbly stand in awe of His love for us, the only right response is to offer the praise and worship He rightfully deserves.

The Future of Israel

God is faithful and always keeps His promises. Throughout the history of the nation of Israel, God has been working His plan of salvation through His chosen people. Even when it seems like the people in our lives might be beyond the reach of faith, God shows His power to reach even the hardest of hearts.

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