Jesus warns us to watch out for people who twist God's Word to lead people astray. The more we know God's Word, the easier it will be for us to test the teachings we hear. Are you spending time in the Bible every day?

"The Golden Rule" challenges us to treat those around us as we would want to be treated by others - a simple command that would completely change the world if everyone took it to heart. How are you treating others? And how can we know with certainty that Jesus is the way?

What we spend our time with is what we serve. Bob challenges us to spend intentional time with God reading His Word, talking to Him, and listening to Him. Your relationship with Him will grow deeper as you learn more and more about who God is.

It's easy for us to fall into the trap of pointing out the faults in others while completely missing the sin in our own lives. Jesus calls us to do the opposite, and examine ourselves first before going to our brothers and sisters in love.

Feeling anxious? It's easy for worry to get us to take our eyes off of trusting God. Jesus calls us to depend on God to provide for our daily needs and leave our worries at His feet. Are you trusting God to take care of the worries of tomorrow?

Easter Sunday 2020

Christ died on the cross and has risen from the grave to save us all from a life of separated from God. We can have hope for tomorrow because death is defeated and Jesus is alive.

Sunrise Service 2020

Why is Good Friday Good?

Remember Jesus' sacrifice for the sins of the world in a special service examining the story of that fateful day at Calvary. God's Word will be our guide as we sing songs of remembrance and praise.

What do you value the most? Jesus calls us to not place our devotion and identity in our homes, work, cars, or things that break down and leave us wanting more. Instead, we should set our eyes on what's eternal.


Fasting is an opportunity to let the absence of food serve as a reminder to depend on God and seek His will for our lives through prayer.

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