Jesus the Gift

The greatest gift we’ll ever be given is Jesus Christ. His life, death and resurrection provides the incredible gift of grace - a gift we can't earn, but a gift that is freely given by a holy and loving God. Have you received this gift of new life in Christ?

God The Giver

God provides us so many blessings out of His great love. Our response should be one of thankfulness and praise as we answer the call to tell others about God's goodness.

Why Baptism Matters

Why is baptism so important? It's the celebration and public declaration of our belief in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you've been given a new life in Christ, are you ready to go public with your faith and acknowledge Him?

The mission of sharing the Gospel is a team sport. The church is a team made up of many different players, each with their own unique gifts and talents from God. The question is: are you in the game, or are you just watching from the sidelines?

We live in a broken world full of people looking for answers. Our mission is to simply, clearly and graciously share the hope of Jesus with the people around us.

We might see the goal of work being a paycheck, but the Bible tells us that we work for the Lord, no matter what our occupation is. When you arrive at your job, are you working to bring glory to God?

When our marriages and families take the place of God in our lives, they tend to come unraveled. God is glorified when we put our focus on Him first, and view our marriage and family through the lens of His ideal design.

God calls us to stop chasing money, comparison with others, sexual immorality, and deceit, not because He wants to control us, but because He loves us and knows that those things will ultimately leave us empty. Instead we're to live for Him in truth, patience, peace, kindness, and above all, love.

Our news feeds, screens and social media are filled with voices of crisis and uncertainty. Through the noise, God’s Word is the calming voice that gives us hope and reminds us of our security in Jesus Christ.

Christianity isn't a religion, it’s a relationship. While some would describe Christianity as a series of rules to follow, the truth of the Gospel is that we can have a right relationship with God not because of what we DO, but because of what Jesus DID.

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