Special Needs

Our mission is to lovingly share Christ with individuals with special needs of all ages and help them become all God has created them to be. We want to equip them to follow Jesus and empower them to serve within the church body as we all grow together in faith.

Weekend Services

Volunteers provide a safe and loving atmosphere for children and adults with special needs to learn and experience the love of Jesus Christ. Highlands Special Needs Ministry team is available during our Sunday services at 9:00 and 10:45am.

The Coffee Spot

Open Sundays before and after services and Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm

Our new coffee shop, The Coffee Spot, is a program where individuals with special needs can learn new skills and serve others by making delicious coffee and tea beverages. It's been made possible by some very generous donations of time and materials, as well as the Ben Musser Memorial Fund.

Drop by before or after Sunday services for a "wonderfully made" drink hand-crafted by our friends with special needs. Their menu includes cappuccino, lattes, espresso, cold brew coffee, various teas, hot chocolate and more! The Coffee Spot accepts all cards and digital payments like Apple Pay (sorry, no cash) and all proceeds will go toward our Special Needs Ministry and the continuing operations of The Coffee Spot.

Do you know someone interested in working or volunteering at The Coffee Spot? Contact Missy Farrington at .

Seussical Jr

A musical production featuring teens & adults with disabilities
Auditions March 26 & April 2, 2025
Performances Aug 15th & 16th, 2025

Highlands' own Shine Theatre Company presents a madcap musical about the story of Horton the Elephant, who discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people called the Whos. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family and community are challenge. This production will feature a cast made up of teens and adults with disabilities, facilitated by a talented team of staff and personal coaches.

More Info

Cowboy Day Camp

Saturday, March 29 | 2:00-7:00pm
We're inviting our friends with Special Needs to Reigning Grace Ranch in Rio Verde for a day full of horseback riding, cowboy activities, dinner, songs around the campfire. Open to ages 14+. The cost is $35 (full and partial scholarships are available - contact  for details).


VOLUNTEER: If you'd like to help us provide an awesome Cowboy Camp experience for our friends with special needs, sign up to volunteer for the day! Volunteers will be assisting our campers with their experiences and helping them transition through activities.

Register to Volunteer 


Wednesday Nights

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm
On Wednesdays during the school year, we have programming for kids, teens and adults with special needs that runs alongside  our on-campus small groups and our Engage: Marriage & Parenting program. Kids with special needs will be a part of our Highlands Kids program. Our teens and adults will meet Wednesday nights for fellowship, faith and fun. Join us to meet and spend time with friends, learn about Jesus together and have a ton of fun!

Register for Wednesdays

Parent Connect Group

First Sunday of Each Month at 10:45am in the Highlands Office
You are invited to join our Parent Connect group.  This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and caregivers to come together and share the joys and challenges of the special needs journey. We also have the opportunity to support each other and share resources.  The special needs classroom and Highlands Kids classes are open to provide care for your students.

Biblical Support Group for Individuals with Physical Disabilities

Wednesdays from 5:00-6:15pm
This group led by Brooke Brown will provide a safe place for adults with physical disabilities to find emotional support, be encouraged in their daily challenges, and study the Bible as we help to build each other’s faith and trust in Jesus Christ. This group meets in the Special Needs Adult Room in the Student Building.


New Family Form

New to Highlands? Complete our NEW FAMILY FORM to help us make your family member with special needs time at Highlands awesome and safe.

Family Resource Guide

Our Family Resource Guide was compiled by our entire Family Ministry team to help your family grow together in faith. These resources include books, podcasts, videos, games and more - all designed to help you have faith-filled conversations and interactions throughout your week.

Download Family Resource Guide


Offered quarterly, respite is an opportunity for parents to bring their children with special needs to Highlands for a fun-filled event so parents can have an evening to themselves. Reservations are required - contact  .      

Highlands is an Irresistible Church

Our partners at Joni & Friends of Arizona define an irresistible church as an authentic community built on the hope of Christ that compels people affected by disability to fully belong. If you have a special need or care for someone who does, come find out why the irresistible Special Needs ministry of Highlands can make a life-changing difference! 

Our Staff

Missy Farrington | Minister of Special Needs

Missy has a Master's Degree in Special Education and a certificate in Disability Ministry. 

We have many other professionals volunteering in our ministry as well. Our loving volunteers are trained by Missy and other special education professionals to provide the highest quality experience for our community to learn about Jesus and grow in faith together.