Genesis 37-38 has sinful actions on full display, but God's plan to save and redeem His people can never be interrupted. There is no type of person that God cannot use, and no situation that God cannot redeem.

Jacob went from a life of control and manipulation to a life of trusting God. Are there areas of your life where you have a hard time giving up control? What does it look like to live a life surrendered to Christ? Thomas breaks down Genesis 32 and 33 to find out.

The Education of Jacob

Jacob's early life was full of deception, setbacks, and strained relationships. Much of it was a result of his own sin. But God used those difficult circumstances to bring Jacob into a deeper reliance and relationship with Him. Are you keeping your relationship with God at the center of your life?

In the story of Jacob and Esau, we meet both a master manipulator and a 'man of the moment' who gives up long-term benefit for momentary satisfaction. The consequences are severe, yet God's promised plan will always be accomplished. God keeps His promises despite the stumbles of His people.

Have you ever asked God for a sign? Sometimes God answers prayers specifically as He did in leading Rachel to become Issac’s wife. Other times He has a different plan. Is your prayer life marked by faith and trust?

Trusting God's Plan

God tested Abraham's faith as He called him to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice to the Lord. Abraham trusted God and was obedient, knowing God would provide. God's provision of a lamb for Abraham was a picture of a few thousand years later when He would provide His only Son, Jesus, the lamb of God, that would take away the sins of the world. Do you trust God's plan?

God was faithful to Abraham and Sarah in fulfilling His promise of a child, and God showed kindness to Hagar and Ismael when they were rejected. Later, Jesus was the promised one who modeled the love and kindness of God so that we can do the same for others. Do people see the kindness of God through how you live your life?

Walking With God

God called Abraham to "walk before me, and be blameless". But how do we make sure that we're walking with God? Thomas gives us five ways we can stay in step with God's plan for our lives.

We're constantly bombarded by voices: friends, family, teachers, social media and so many others. Listening to the voices of the world can lead us away from trusting in God's plan and what He is calling us to do. What voices are you listening to?

The Model of Grace

God reveals His plan of grace to Abraham and demonstrates that His promises never fail. God not only makes the covenant, but shows that He alone will fulfill every aspect of it. There is nothing we can do to earn God's grace - it is a free gift for those who believe and put their faith and trust in Him.

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