God's promise to Abram was that he would become a great nation. Despite Abram's stumbles along the way, God proved Himself to be faithful every time. Are you trusting the promises of God and choosing to follow Him?

Our Next Step

Our vision as a church is to encourage everyone's next step toward Jesus Christ, help families to grow in faith together, and actively serve our community. Whether your next step is attending church regularly, joining a small group, starting to serve at church, or making disciples, we encourage you to pray and ask God to lead you toward your next step of faith.


The tower of Babel represents mankind's attempt to live apart from God - to build their own kingdom for their own glory. But it's only when we make God the Lord of our lives and live for His Kingdom that we'll find true purpose and fulfillment in our lives. Are you building your own kingdom? Or are you living for God's Kingdom?

The Flood

In the face of a world that had completely turned away from God, Noah remained faithful. God carried out His plan of salvation for Noah and his family, and judgement for the fallen world. Later, God provided a means of salvation for all of us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Are you living a life of obedience to God, even if it means being different from the world around you?

Why the Flood?

God is grieved by sin. In His justice, He must deal with sin, but through His great love for us, God set in motion His plan to save and redeem mankind. Through the line of Noah and his family, God's own Son, Jesus, would be born to take on our sin and save us from it's destructive power.

Just like Cain tried to hide his sin of killing his brother Abel from God, we often try hiding our sins too. But God already knows every sin that we've ever committed, and He still loves us. If we run toward God, confess our sins, and put our trust in Christ, we will have a right relationship with God forever.

The Fall

God created people with the ability to choose to obey His Word and follow Him, or to follow their own desires into sin. Even in the midst of Adam and Eve's first sin, God's grace is revealed as His plan is revealed to save mankind through His Son, Jesus Christ.

We were created to be in community with one another. God created a woman, Eve, to be a fit for Adam and established the first marriage. In this union, man and woman compliment each other as they live out their God-given purpose for His glory.

God placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden to enjoy and be in relationship with Him. With the gift of freedom comes the responsibility of choice: will we choose to follow His direction, or will we put our own desires first?

For Father's Day, we look at two dads in the book of Genesis. Through their good moments and their bad, we can begin to understand the opportunity and responsibility we have as fathers to lead our families toward a deeper trust in God, our perfect Heavenly Father.
