How do you get to heaven? People have asked that question for centuries, and Jesus gives us a clear answer: through him. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins and his resurrection to new life, we can be made right with God and enter into eternal life in His perfect presence forever. Why does Jesus call this the ‘narrow door’? Because only Jesus’ sacrifice has the power to save. No amount of our good works will achieve God’s perfect standard. The good news of the gospel is that though the way to heaven is Jesus Christ alone, that gift of grace through faith is available to everyone, no matter who you are, where you’re from, or your past. Salvation is in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith in him alone.

Jesus constantly preached about the Kingdom of God, and his message was one of both hope and urgency. As God’s Kingdom has expanded like a mustard seed across the earth through the process of evangelism and discipleship, Jesus’ encouragement is to look at the people around us with a Kingdom focus and heart for the lost. Who in your life can you point toward the good news of God’s ever-expanding Kingdom?

No other person in all of history presents as big of a dividing line than Jesus. While the gospel is clear that the gift of grace through Jesus Christ is free to all, Jesus himself was also clear that not everyone would receive that gift. Because Jesus doesn’t leave any room to remain ‘neutral’ toward him, the most important question we can ask ourselves is this: what do you do with Jesus?

Be Ready

Jesus’ promise is that one day he will return for final judgement to rule and reign forever, bringing the fulness of God’s Kingdom. Are you ready for him to come back? Jesus’ parable of the wise and faithful manager is a strong reminder of his desire to see his followers be faithful with that which they’ve been entrusted by God.

How to be Rich

The pursuit of money and possessions can often lead to lots of anxiety, but Jesus encourages us to have a completely different mindset. When we remember that God is our provider who cares for us, and that everything we have is from Him, our perspective about how we use the things we have starts to shift. Generosity comes from knowing God has provided the things we have so that we might be a blessing to others, keeping our focus fixed on eternity instead of living only for the here and now.

Authentic Faith

An authentic faith is one that understands the character of God in a way that also provides the right perspective of who we are in relation to Him. A heart that trusts and surrenders to God will result in a confidence in His provision, a healthy reverence for who He is, and a boldness to tell others the good news of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ.

Inside Out

Have you ever done the ‘right’ thing for the wrong reasons? Jesus reserves some of his harshest warnings for the people in his day who held their religious actions up as a status symbol, yet their hearts completely lacked care and compassion for others. Jesus calls us to examine our heart - it’s ‘why’ we do what we do that matters far more than the ‘what’.

It’s easy to become fixated on the darkness in our world and become discouraged. Jesus is quick to remind his followers that true blessing comes from keeping our eyes fixed on his light, always remembering that the Kingdom of God has overcome all the powers of darkness.

How to Pray

One of the most amazing aspects of having a relationship with the Lord is that we can communicate with Him at any time through prayer. Jesus gives his disciples a model for what a conversation with the Lord should be like: praising Him for who He is, repenting of sin, asking for His provision, and yielding our desire and will to His. Through this simple model, we’re encouraged to seek God in prayer at all times and in all circumstances.

Can too many ‘good’ things keep us from a ‘great’ thing? Sometimes we can get so caught up in our day-to-day tasks - all of which can be ‘good’ things - that we miss the bigger picture of simply spending time in the presence of the Lord. In a world filled with ‘worthy’ distractions, how do we prioritize our time to grow in relationship with Jesus?

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Sermons by: Romans Gospel For All Time

Mar 27, 2022

The Believer's Battle

When we become a Christian, we’re immediately saved by grace through...

Mar 20, 2022

The Law and Sin

Through Jesus Christ, we’re “released” from the law into a new...

Mar 13, 2022

I Am A Bride of Christ

When our faith is in Jesus, we’re set free from the burden of trying to...

Mar 06, 2022

Sin and the Believer

Everyone serves someone or something. Apart from the salvation found in...

Feb 13, 2022

Through One Man

Humanity’s sin problem began with Adam, and we’ve been in that fallen...

Dec 19, 2021

Rejoice in Suffering

People try to find hope in many ways - through people, experiences...

Dec 12, 2021

Peace With God

As the world searches for peace, the truth of the gospel is that true...