Good Samaritan

The call from Jesus to love our neighbor doesn't just mean loving the people we like or agree with. The parable of the Good Samaritan demonstrates that 'loving our neighbor' includes showing love and compassion even to those who our world tells us are our enemies.

God has given us each gifts and talents to use to bring honor and glory to Him and serve others, but there are times we hide in fear instead of stepping out in faith and trusting in God's plan. Are you using your God-given abilities to serve Him?

A Heart That Hears God

Jesus' parable of the sower represents four states of a person's heart: hard heart, shallow heart, divided heart, or a ready heart. Jesus warns us not to have a heart that can be swayed by the world. Instead, our hearts should be open to His Word and ready to follow Him. Is your heart ready?

The Searching Savior

When you've lost something important, you'll go to great lengths to find it. God loves us so deeply that He pursues us even when we are lost and have turned our back on Him. He wants nothing more than for us to find forgiveness and freedom in the saving love of Jesus.

Three Prodigal Perspective

No matter how far we have walked away from God, He waits with arms opened wide for us to turn from a life of sin and be washed clean by the blood of Jesus. He paid the price so we can have freedom and eternal life. Do you think you are too far from're not?

The Cost of Following Jesus

Following Jesus isn't just about getting a ticket into heaven. He calls us to give our lives to Him in obedience - to follow His lead and live a life of loving sacrifice at home, at work, at school or wherever He leads. Are you ready to count the cost of following Jesus?

In the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector, we see the contrast between someone self-importantly working for their salvation, and someone seeing themselves as a humble sinner before God in need of a Savior. Are you humbly submitting your life to the Lord?

There are storms and trials that we will face in our lives, but how we weather the storm is based on the foundation of what our faith is built on. Thomas challenges us to examine if we have built our faith on the firm foundation of Jesus or the weak foundation of the world. What foundation are you building your faith on?

When we have put our faith and trust in Jesus, we can't call on His name and then go about living our lives like the rest of the world. Jesus calls us to a life that looks different as we walk in obedience to God.

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