Preach the Gospel

God has entrusted His most important message - the gospel - to His most loved creation - humanity. The call to share the good news about Jesus Christ is for all Christians, not just pastors or church workers. Who is God giving you the opportunity to share good news with today?

God’s free gift of grace through Jesus Christ is available to everyone. As a gift, it’s not something we need to work for. We simply confess - or agree - that Jesus is Lord through his death and resurrection, and we can experience salvation. “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

For two-thousand years, the world has struggled with what to do with the gospel message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Some embrace it as the ultimate hope, but others who come from other religious contexts have a hard time understanding that faith - not works - is how we’re reconciled to God. What do you believe about Jesus? And if Jesus is your Lord, have you shared the good news about him with others?

God is in control. Even when this world seems chaotic or out of control, God is working to fulfill His plans. He never lacks a plan or the power to complete that plan. We may not always understand why God works the way He does, but we can trust that He is at work in our lives and His plan is good.

Holy Seed

Through God’s divine plan, we can be welcomed into His spiritual family. Beginning with Abraham, God orchestrated his plan for salvation through His chosen people, making a way for all to be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have a relationship with him that is eternally secure. No matter what hardships or trials come our way, we can rest in the promise that we are forever children of God and destined for a life with Him forever.

Romans 8:28 says God works all things for the good for those who love Him. This is an amazing promise, but it’s also challenging to believe when you find yourself in the midst of hardship or suffering. How do we adopt God’s perspective on the ‘things’ that happen in our lives to remember God’s goodness even when life feels anything but good?

Suffering is an important part of the Christian life. While we might often try to avoid it, the truth is that God uses the suffering in our lives to do incredible work in our lives as He shapes us into who He wants us to be - both for our good and for His glory. When suffering comes, instead of despair, we can find hope and joy through the power of the Holy Spirit working through us in the midst of every circumstance.

Even though we have faith in Jesus Christ, we are all still going to struggle with sin and brokenness. The good news is that the Holy Spirit gives us the power to overcome our sin and helps us to walk in the new life to which he calls us. But the big question is: how? How do we overcome sin through the power of the Holy Spirit? When a new temptation comes our way, what does the Bible tell us about how we can lean on the Spirit’s strength to help put that sin to death?

Easter 2022

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead means everything. The evidence for his resurrection is overwhelming, and the implications for our salvation are astounding: belief in him means a life transformed for eternity.

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