Jesus calls us to be merciful, pure in heart and peacemakers in our interactions with others. Through Jesus Christ, God models these qualities as He shows His great love for us. Are you working daily toward having a heart like God's?

Everyone wants to find happiness. But the places we often look - comfort, wealth, success - will eventually leave us empty. Listen in as we hear directly from Jesus' words about how to find true happiness and fulfillment.

The Voice

We're constantly surrounded by voices that contradict each other and distract us from the truth. Through the noise, God's voice calls us to listen to the truth and helps us filter out the negative. What voices are you listening to?

The Revelation of Christmas

God chose a virgin to give birth to His son, Jesus, to do the impossible to save us from our sins. And Christ will come again one day to restore and save those who believe. There is nothing impossible for our God!

The Plan

From Genesis to Jesus

The Bible clearly shows us the family lineage of Jesus, revealing God's plan from the very beginning to save mankind by sending His Son. Throughout history, God used ordinary, flawed people to achieve His purposes and demonstrate His faithfulness.

A Changed Heart

As we wrap up our series in the book of Genesis, Bob takes a look back at how God is over all things, has a good plan, and how we can trust in His faithfulness. God is good! Are you trusting Him with your life?

God is never surprised by any circumstance we may face, and He uses trials ultimately for our good and for His glory. Do you believe God is good and does good things?

God uses times of waiting and hard circumstances in our lives to teach and mold us into the people He wants us to be. Is God trying to teach you something in this season of life?

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