1 John 3:11-18's command to love is both glorious and frightening. In its simplicity, there is no new message since the beginning; "love one another!" What a simple phrase, but what a struggle to live out. Oh to hold each moment so captive to God that we would actually love one another without failure. What a world that would be. There is no other way to attempt this high calling as a follower of Jesus Christ but through the worldview of doing and being a living self-sacrifice to the glory of Him that created you." -Jeff Stevens

Christians and Sin

The lifestyle we live says everything about our spiritual DNA. If I practice righteousness, my DNA reveals that I’m a child of God. If I practice unrighteousness, then my spiritual DNA reveals that I don’t know the Lord. Does the way you live your life reflect your relationship with God?

In 1 John 2:28-3:3, John now reverts to his cycle of tests, expanding and explaining them. For the first time the believer is described as having been ‘born’ of God. A new life has begun to be used by God for His kingdom and His glory, by following the commanded will of God.

Being in the Word

Sunday’s message was all about the importance of being in the Word. We need to be committed to being in God’s Word to know the truth that sets us free - the Gospel. The good news is that God has insured a perfect plan to help us by giving us the Holy Spirit to teach, guide and give us discernment. Are you committed to being in the Word? It’s all about Jesus and how He calls us to live. - Bob

"The apostle John wanted the church to live with a "last days" mindset - with intentionality and purpose. What would each day look like for you if it were your last, and how can you live today like there is no tomorrow, for the glory of God and the good of His people?” -Thomas

Right Living

This weeks message was all about "Right Loving" - choosing God instead of choosing the ways of the world. Do the choices we make and the things we focus on show that we are loving God first and foremost? Pray and ask the Lord to help you make Him your priority in all things. Choose Him, and then watch how He transforms your life!

Just like we mature from children into adults, our spiritual life needs to mature as well. As we study God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to grow our understanding, we mature in our ability to remain steady in the face of trials. How is your spiritual maturity?

Love God, love people. Jesus called this the greatest commandment. Loving people - ALL people - isn't always easy, but God's Word is clear that it's an essential part of the Christian life. Thankfully, we have example after incredible example from Jesus of how we ought to show others His love. Are you loving people?

If you have a faith in Jesus Christ you have an assurance and security that nothing will ever separate you from the love of God. In response to that amazing gift of grace, does your life show evidence of your faith? What kind of markers should be observable in a life lived in Christ?

The call of a Christian is to 'go and sin no more', but the truth is that we all fall short of that goal. What an incredible gift it is, then, that we have the hope of Jesus Christ, who became sin on our behalf so that through Him we could be made righteous. He is our advocate who sets us free from the chains of sin, and gives us the opportunity to grow in our relationship with Him each new day.
