Created to Rest

Do you struggle to find time to rest? On the seventh day of creation, God gave us the example of setting aside time to rest. And through Jesus, we can find a perfect rest as He says, "Come to me...and I will give you rest."

After creating all things, God gives mankind a specific task: to subdue the earth and have dominion over the animals. God gives us all work to do - are you working for His glory and for the good of His people?

In His Image

God chose to make us different from the rest of His creation. It came with great responsibility, an opportunity to represent Him, and a capacity to have a relationship with Him unlike any other part of creation. We are made in the image of God: the Imago Dei.

God spoke all of creation into existence. Reflecting on the simplicity of the narrative of Genesis 1 leads us to a place of awe and wonder of our creator God, and grows our faith and trust in Him, no matter our circumstance.

Moms Leave a Legacy

Moms have a unique opportunity to instill a legacy of faith in their children. For Mother’s Day, Doug lays out qualities of godly moms that can make an eternal impact.

God...Is God

God is eternal, and limitless in power as the creator of all things. But He is also relational, desiring a personal relationship with us, His creation. Will you use your life to worship Him for who He is?

The Beginning

"In the beginning, God..." In just the first four words of the book of Genesis, we are told that God existed before anything else and that He was the cause of all creation. And in four words, God reveals His nature in a way that leads to the truth about His existence.

Terms of Peace

Jesus stands before the city as a king who in a matter of days will be crucified by the very people that just cried out Hosanna ("Save us now"). The message of Palm Sunday is this: The king has come to his rebellious subjects and offered terms of peace: lay down your self-righteousness and self-sufficiency; admit your need for a Savior; accept your full and free pardon, and declare your allegiance to the King of Kings!

Paul gives us three challenges in the book of 2 Timothy: Share with others in our suffering, guard God's word, and make disciples. With God's help every step of the way, are you up for the challenge?

Parting Words

Serving God is worth it, but it's not always easy. When we invest in others, we develop amazing relationships with people who will encourage our faith and stand by us. You are not alone!
