God designed us to be in relationship with others. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to be personally connected to other followers of Jesus to build one another up, bear one another’s burdens, pray for one another and more. As culture and technology pushes us toward isolation, it’s more important than ever to intentionally engage in community within the church family.

Study & Meditation

The Bible is God’s Word and in its pages we’ll find a firm foundation for how to live a life of blessing. Devoting time daily to study and meditate on God’s Word is a necessary practice to balance out the flood of noise we take in from the outside world. In our busy lives, it’s harder than ever to make time for intentional time in God’s Word, but it’s also more important than ever to ensure that the loudest voice speaking to us is God’s voice.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That simple statement by Jesus formed a foundation of generosity for his followers since the earliest days of the church. When we recognize that everything we have - our time, our talent and our treasure - is a gift from God, we’ll start to recognize the opportunities we have each day to use those gifts to help and serve others for the glory of God.

Finding Rest

God designed us to require regular rest in order to function at our best. But as the world gets busier and busier, finding true rest can seem almost impossible. How can we find rest when the pace of the world moves so fast? What’s the difference between rest that rejuvenates us and hollow pursuits that merely distract us? What role does rest play in our personal walk with Jesus? The Bible has lots to say about rest, and what we can learn from it is more important than ever in the midst of our modern culture.

Communication is the foundation for any good relationship. That’s why prayer is such an essential part of the Christian life. So why do so many Christians find it hard to pray? What does the Bible mean when it says to “pray without ceasing”? What kinds of misconceptions about prayer do we carry with us from past experiences? Guest Kyle DiRoberts unpacks a biblical view of prayer and encourages us into a simple, regular and habitual practice of prayer for everyday life.

Confession and Praise

The first step in strengthening any relationship is honesty. Confession is the process of, in humility, being honest with God about who we are and where we struggle. Through Christ, our shortcomings are met by the incredible gift of grace and we receive forgiveness. When we understand the amazing truth about who God is and what He’s done, it should always lead us to a place of thanks and praise.

Putting the teachings of Jesus into practice will result in a changed life. Jesus challenges his followers to fill their hearts and minds with God’s Word so much that they would speak and act as an overflow of what they’ve heard. While the world tempts us to build our lives on temporary things like career, success or family, Jesus encourages us to make Christ himself our foundation.

Judge Not

“Judge not and you will not be judged” is one of the most often quoted Bible verses of all time, but rarely is it quoted within its context. Why are we so quick to judge others? And does Jesus really mean that we should never judge anyone for anything? What about actions that are clearly outside of God’s design for life? The truth behind Jesus’ words is that he’s calling his followers to live differently than the rest of the world - showing both wise discernment as well as radical mercy - modeled perfectly by Christ himself.

It can be easy to love the people we get along with, have much in common with, or have a longstanding relationship with. It can be hard to love those we don't have much in common with, and even more difficult with those who hate us or have even harmed us. Whether it be easy or difficult, Jesus teaches us to love the people he puts in front of us, even those who are hard to love.

While the world encourages us to seek comfort, riches and approval in the here and now, Jesus shows us that true blessing comes from an eternal perspective no matter our circumstances. The teachings of Jesus challenge his followers to focus on the eternal Kingdom of God to come.

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Sermons by: Thomas Slager

Nov 01, 2020

The Ideal Family

When our marriages and families take the place of God in our lives...

Oct 11, 2020

The Ideal Christian

Christianity isn't a religion, it’s a relationship. While some would...

Sep 20, 2020

The Ideal Calling

All of us have a unique calling that God has given us to play as our...

Aug 30, 2020

The Ideal Walk

Healthy things grow. Jesus wants us to be learning, going deeper in our...

Aug 09, 2020

The Rich Fool

Everything we have is a gift from God, and He calls us to be humble, do...

Jul 26, 2020

Good Samaritan

The call from Jesus to love our neighbor doesn't just mean loving the...