"The Apostle Paul encourages Timothy to continue to fight the good fight. This literally means to "agonize the good agony". The good agony is the great burden we Christians should have for people to know the beauty of Christ. There is no "off-season" when it comes to our readiness to share the Gospel." -Jeff

Follow Jesus

"Following Jesus can be difficult, especially in a culture that opposes Him. But always remember you are not alone! You have a church family that supports you, and the Spirit of God helping you every step of the way as you do your best to follow Jesus." -Thomas

Wrong Love

Who and what we love says everything about the sincerity of our faith. We can either stand out for our devotion to Jesus or we'll stand out for our devotion to ourselves. It’s important to examine our lives to see who we actually love the most.

What will our lives reflect? Will you be known as a follower of Christ? A gentle and kind soul that was an encouragement with your words to the people around you? Do you intentionally model a life of Christ as an example to the world in hopes that God's kindness would lead the lost toward Him to receive salvation? In 2 Timothy 2:22-26, Paul encourages the church toward these things and more.

Approved and Honorable

Everyone wants to do something great, and God wants to use us for great things. In 2 Timothy 2:14-21 we're challenged to be 'approved workers' for God by turning away from sin that can distract us, and keeping the good news of Jesus Christ our main focus in all that we do.

Inspired to Serve

"Sharing the gospel isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. We can easily feel rejected or mocked and as a result, back away from sharing. Timothy, the pastor in Ephesus, may have felt that way too. Paul challenges him, and us as well: remember Jesus, and reach out those who need to hear the gospel." -Bob

Pass It On

"2 Timothy 2:1-7 is the heart of our series. It's all about learning the process of "walk this way" discipleship- one generation of believers passing on their faith to the next generation. It takes being someone strong in grace, trustworthy, devoted, honest, and diligent." -Mark


In 1 Timothy 1:8-18 we are given a solid reminder of what Jesus did for us, and a command to be unashamed of Jesus. Take a look at your life - see what God has done, and then go and live unashamed! -Thomas

"We serve a great God! 3 John looks at three characters within the church body. Which character do we most resemble within our service at Highlands? Do you walk in truth? Or do you find it difficult to submit to the authorities God has placed in your life? Are you an aspiring leader, ready to disciple others toward Christ? Do you rejoice over knowing that your children are walking in the truth? Enjoy this message in light of knowing truth." -Jeff
