The Holy Spirit lives inside all those who have faith in Jesus Christ. His power helps us walk in the new life God calls us to live. So how does the Holy Spirit work? What does He do? How do we keep the Holy Spirit in view and recognize His power working in the midst of our busy lives?

In Christ, we are no longer condemned for our sin - that’s amazing news! And yet, while we live in this world, the consequences of sin will still be a reality with which we struggle. Our great hope is in the Holy Spirit, who lives inside of every believer and who helps us to set our minds on the things of the Spirit so that we can walk in this new life.

The Believer's Battle

When we become a Christian, we’re immediately saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. What follows is a lifelong process of becoming more and more like Jesus, recognizing sin in our lives and turning away from it through the strength the Holy Spirit provides. Because of sin, we’ll still do things we don’t want to do, but thanks be to God that He has already delivered us from sin’s penalty!

Through Jesus Christ, we’re “released” from the law into a new relationship with Him marked by grace. So does that mean we don’t have to follow the law? Was the law bad in the first place? And didn’t Jesus say, “If you love me, you’ll keep my commandments”? So which is it? How does a Christian view the commands God put in His Word in light of their relationship with Jesus?

When our faith is in Jesus, we’re set free from the burden of trying to earn our way onto God’s good side through following the law God gave to Moses. Through Jesus Christ, we inherit His righteousness, we find forgiveness, and we receive the Holy Spirit who works inside of us to produce goodness that no amount of rule-following could ever achieve. At Highlands, our mission is simple: Love God. Love people. Make disciples. During our Weekend Services, we worship God through song and prayer, study the Bible, and learn how to apply it to our lives. Our vision is to help everyone take their next step toward Jesus Christ, help families grow in faith together, and actively serve our community. We have fun and dynamic programs for kids, students, and individuals with special needs, and adult small groups for every age and stage of life. There's a place for you and your family at Highlands! We're located at 9050 East Pinnacle Peak Rd, and our service times are Thursdays at 6:45pm and Sundays at 9:00​​ and 10:45 am. For more info, visit​​.

Sin and the Believer

Everyone serves someone or something. Apart from the salvation found in Jesus, we’re left trying to ‘be a good person’ on our own - but by who’s standard? And how much good is good enough? The truth is, if we’re not serving Jesus Christ, we’re simply serving our own desires. Jesus is the only one who promises grace, forgiveness, and a transformed life of joy. At Highlands, our mission is simple: Love God. Love people. Make disciples. During our Weekend Services, we worship God through song and prayer, study the Bible, and learn how to apply it to our lives. Our vision is to help everyone take their next step toward Jesus Christ, help families grow in faith together, and actively serve our community. We have fun and dynamic programs for kids, students, and individuals with special needs, and adult small groups for every age and stage of life. There's a place for you and your family at Highlands! We're located at 9050 East Pinnacle Peak Rd, and our service times are Thursdays at 6:45pm and Sundays at 9:00 and 10:45 am. For more info, visit

The Journey

Special Guest, Bill Paige, walks us through the story of John 4 as Jesus journeys into Samaria - a region and culture that was hostile to his own. But instead of conflict and division, Jesus shows us how taking a position of love and compassion can break down barriers and get to the heart of what he desires for each one of us.

Part of the Christian life is putting away our ‘old self’ that was lost to sin and instead walking in the new life we have in Christ. As we come to know that sin has been put to death through the work of Christ, we can experience being set free from sin’s power and strive each day to put our ‘old’ ways behind us.

Through One Man

Humanity’s sin problem began with Adam, and we’ve been in that fallen state ever since. While it might seem unfair that we all inherit an unavoidable sin nature, how much more amazing is the undeserved grace we receive through Jesus Christ - the perfect man and Son of God - who gave his life to save us from that sin.

God, in an incredible act of love, sent His Son to be the sacrifice for our sin even while humanity was still lost in that sin. The good news about salvation through Jesus Christ is that we don’t have to figure out how to earn it. In our moment of greatest need, God provided a Savior as a gift we simply receive. The right response to that gift is to live a life of worship.

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