The good news of the gospel is for everyone, everywhere. If we've been transformed and set free by the power of Jesus Christ, our priority should be to share that news with everyone we know. The Apostle Paul's burden was to encourage the people of Rome. With whom has God given you a burden to share the gospel?

The gospel is good news for everyone, everywhere, for all time. As his letter begins, the Apostle Paul adopts the attitude of a servant and invites us to join him on the mission to share the good news about Jesus Christ with the world.

The Vision: Serve

What does it mean to serve like Jesus? We often see serving as a task to be checked off our list, but Jesus models serving as a lifestyle. As Jesus gave his life in service of others, his call to us is to do the same. Every moment we have on this earth is an opportunity to live a lifestyle of service.

Everyone wants a great family life, but the pressures and influences of the world can quickly knock your family off track. Our vision as a church is to resource and equip families to intentionally point each other toward Jesus in every aspect of their lives. Do you have a plan?

The Vision: Next Step

Our faith in Jesus Christ is meant to grow and mature. Whether you're brand new in your relationship with Christ or you've been a believer for decades, everyone has areas in which they can grow in their spiritual maturity. What's your next step of faith in Jesus?

AfterLife Q & A Session

Everyone has questions about what happens after we die. This Q&A session addresses questions the Highlands Church family sent in during our AfterLife series. With the Bible as a foundation, our panel of pastors answered questions on cremation, purgatory, predestination, our new life in heaven, walking through the loss of a loved one, the destiny of demons, the authority of the Bible and more.


Everyone spends eternity somewhere, so how can we be sure of our destination? If our faith is in Jesus Christ, the Bible gives us amazing hope in the promise that we will spend eternity in the presence of God. Learn how we can have unshakeable assurance in Christ and how can we point others to God's free gift of grace.

A Difficult Question

How could a loving God allow people to end up in hell for eternity? This question has often been a stumbling block for Christians and non-Christians alike. What does the Bible have to say about hell and, most importantly, about God's gift of grace and mercy through His Son, Jesus Christ?

What is it like in Heaven?

As our "AfterLife" series continues, this week we'll learn what the Bible tells us about heaven. Is it a real place? Is it anything like popular movies and books describe? What about people who have had near-death experiences and believe they've seen heaven? What will heaven be like?

What's Next?

The Bible tells us that there's a life waiting for us after our life on this earth is over - so what does that existence look like? If there is an eternity yet to come, how can we keep that eternity in focus to help us live our lives in the here and now? The Bible will be our guide as we shift our perspective to eternity and all that God has in store for what's next.

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