Jesus teaches us to pray for the Father's daily provision, forgiveness and protection. Our relationship with Him should lead us to be quick to forgive others as we reflect the forgiveness we've been given through Christ.

Jesus gives us the Lord's prayer as an example of how we should pray. He says, "When you pray" meaning that it isn't a matter of if we pray, but when we pray as it should be a regular part of our everyday life. Are you regularly spending time with our God in prayer?

Our motives for giving should be to honor God and point others to Christ, not to make ourselves look good and boast about what we did. Everything we have is a gift from God. What is your motivation for giving?

Jesus calls us to be people of truth and integrity, following through on our promises. When we're wronged and want to retaliate, we're called to show grace instead. Are you leaning on Christ's strength to answer the call to live differently than the world?

The pitfalls of lust and divorce all begin when our hearts desire things that don't belong to us. Jesus calls us to follow Him by fleeing temptation, and finding true freedom in our relationship with Him.

While religious leaders were concerned with following the letter of the Law, Jesus challenges us to have a completely changed heart. Our words can either give life through encouragement, or take life through insults and harshness. Jesus calls us to make our relationships right with others even when it's difficult.

The Law

Jesus challenged the religious leaders and their understanding of the Law. In his fulfillment of the Law, Jesus wants to transform our hearts, not just our actions. It's not our ability to follow a set of rules, but rather His death and resurrection that makes us right with God.

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