Our days are filled with loud voices and media telling us what to think, feel, believe, and do. Where can we go to find truth? How do we hold onto truth in the midst of all the noise?

The Ideal Unity

Our culture wants to call into question who Jesus is and make him into something less than the truth. We're called to stand together in unity, lovingly sharing the good news of Jesus Christ as he truly is with the world around us.

All of us have a unique calling that God has given us to play as our position on "team Jesus". The team functions best when everyone plays their part. What part is God calling you to play to grow His Kingdom?

Before we came to faith in Christ, we were dead in our sins and separated from God. Jesus paid the price for our sins and made us holy and blameless when we stand before God. Have you put your faith in Jesus alone?

The Ideal Savior

Nothing is more important than who we believe Jesus is. He was fully man and fully God, sent to earth to save us from our sins. Through His life, death, and resurrection, He alone brought us back into right relationship with God, and He alone is worthy of all our worship.

Healthy things grow. Jesus wants us to be learning, going deeper in our faith, and walking in obedience. Is there somewhere you need to "grow up" in your walk with Jesus?

We try to build our reputations on our jobs, families, houses, or accomplishments. But God cares more about how we reflect Him to the people around us. Do you have a reputation as a Christ-follower?

Workers of the Harvest

God has called us all be part of the church family, to grow in faith, to serve, and to disciple those around us. We're His workers, and God has sent us into the world to share the good news of Jesus. Are you ready to take your next step?

The Rich Fool

Everything we have is a gift from God, and He calls us to be humble, do good, and share with other. The parable of the rich fool is Jesus' teaching about how to be rich toward God. What opportunities do you have to be generous with what you have this week?

Found Faithful

When is Jesus coming back? Jesus himself tells us it isn't the 'when', but the 'what' that matters. What will Jesus find you doing when he returns? Are you spending your days building his kingdom, or your own? The parable of the ten virgins teaches us to keep our focus on Jesus and always be ready for his return.

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