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The Reliability of God's Word

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Joe Cardini
Highlands Elder

It’s likely not much of a stretch to suggest that life isn’t often filled with an abundance of certainty. This was true two thousand years ago and feels all the more factual today.

Most people don’t enjoy the feelings associated with uncertainty, which can include: Becoming Disoriented, Loss of Trust, Disappointment, Despair, Lack of Reliability, Fear, Confusion, Frustration, Brokenness… As a result, and perhaps like never before, we humans are on a quest to locate certainty, or truth, in order to create more reliability and calm in our daily lives.

Living at a time when Jesus lived, died and then rose from death could have (and certainly should have) made it easier to be a believer. After all, witnessing actual miracles, or, learning from those who walked with Jesus, provided a degree of authenticity most of the Old Testament prophets didn’t enjoy. Which makes David’s beautiful words in Psalm 19: 7-11 all the more inspiring. David chooses very specific words, with a degree of repetition, to highlight the certainty of God’s word.

Verse 7(a): The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.

Testimonies of those who have been saved by Christ, speak to the perfection of God’s word and the way in which God can transform lives by renewing and reviving souls!

Verse 7(b): The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

God’s law is enduring and therefore, reliable. Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.  Anyone can understand God’s intentions for us. Even those who are spiritually immature, or, have chosen a YOLO (You Only Live Once) lifestyle…They too have heard and can easily grasp God’s desires for us all.

Verse 8(a): The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.

God’s ways are always good. Though at times of trial we may feel uncertain and uneasy, our hearts can rejoice in knowing that the ways of our Lord and Savior are indeed, right and trustworthy! Living in accordance with God’s word brings peace, calm and contentment. Conversely, disobeying God’s word will often cause dysfunction.

Verse (b): The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

The Ten Commandments are straightforward, clear and pure. Jesus provides further clarity by instructing us to Love God and Love People, Make Disciples. In its purity and clarity, the word of God often brings light to areas of the world and even our own lives that otherwise might have remained in the dark. God’s word is indeed a bright light!

Verse 9(a): The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.

To fear God is to respect God for who He is. Creator of all. Savior, who offers His unwavering love to all.  Acceptance of our Lord for who He is produces a degree of reverence that compels us to live our lives in accordance with His word. God never changes. His word never changes. Our respect and reverence of God produces a clean faith lived out in our daily lives.

Verse 9(b): The rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.

David once again reminds us that God’s word is reliable, just and good for all who place their faith in Him.

Verse 10: More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

The world seeks the finest and most gratifying things in life, such as gold and sugary sweets. I’ll admit to my love affair with a certain Oatmeal Raisin Cookie made at a local bakery that just happens to be located within walking distance to my office. But the joy I receive when I give into my craving is always short-lived. As opposed to the deep, lasting effects associated with the words from our Lord!

Verse 11: Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

We know that our faith in Christ will bring us eternal peace and joy in heaven. But David reminds us that adhering to God’s word now, in this present life, brings us great reward. David later writes in Psalm 119: 165: “Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble."

The Bible ultimately points us all to Jesus Christ. Our Lord and Savior who, in the greatest act of co-suffering love and forgiveness, died on a cross to save us. It is He who provides us with His word and His word is certain, dependable and reliable.

PrayerHeavenly Father, thank you for your endless mercy and grace.  Thank you for providing us with the blessing of your Word.  As the ever-changing currents of life attempt to pull us off-course, we can take comfort in the certainty of your Word.  Your prescriptions are reliable, pure and perfect.  Lord, I pray we remain thirsty for your commandments, knowing how sweet and edifying they are to our souls.  Father, let us seek your ways always.  Let us remember, always, to turn to you to quench our thirst for truth, joy and a deep, soulful peace. 

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