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A New Creation

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Anne Peters Andrus
Special Needs Coordinator

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. -2 Corinthians 5:21

I think one of the most baffling things about our faith is in trying to understand the magnitude of what Christ did in order for God to have a relationship with us. It is in understanding the holiness of God that helps us to understand why Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection were necessary. 

I came out of a works-based past before coming to Christ. I believed I was a good person who tried to help others from a place of love and compassion, or so I thought. The problem was that no matter how hard I tried, it never felt like enough. I spun my wheels to the point of exhaustion, and below the surface there was always this feeling of not being good enough.

When I came to Christ and learned I was a sinner who was trying to rely on my own righteousness, relief washed over me when I finally understood I could never be perfect. The moment I realized Christ was perfect and I was not, the world finally lifted off my shoulders. That was the moment I put all my faith in Him because of what He had already done. 

One thing I did when I put my faith in Jesus was to simply focus on what it means to be more Christ-like. I learned the fruit of the Spirit and began to ask God for help. To be Christ-like is to exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I chose one that was the most difficult for me (typically patience or self-control) and asked God to help me. I very quickly learned God doesn’t just give us patience or self-control. He gives us opportunities to learn and practice. Before I knew it though, I was more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. I invite you to do the same and watch what God does in your life.

Prayer: Lord, you are holy, sovereign, and righteous. Your love is so perfect that you sent your son who knew no sin to be sin, so that in Him we could be righteous. It is through Jesus and Jesus alone that we are able to be in relationship with you and for that I thank you. Amen.

Posted by Anne Peters with