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Intimacy With God

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Roci Butler
Leader of Highlands Moms

“All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Have you ever been close enough to someone to hear them breathe?  This sort of closeness is reserved for those whom we are most intimate with.  You hear their breath in a close embrace, in a whisper or as they are just present beside you in silence.  This is the intimacy we enjoy with Jesus through God’s written word.   No other book ever written provides such an opportunity to draw close to the Creator of all things and the Author of salvation.  

As we read and study God’s word, his Holy Spirit is able to produce life-giving transformation in the heart of the reader.  Paul’s charge to Timothy in his second letter is to stay in the word to such a degree that we are equipped for every good work and can then confidently share the Gospel.  As we spend time with God and his Word, reflect on how we can draw closer to God in these ways.

  • Am I spending time in the Word to get to know God better?  What do I know about God from reading his word?  Focus on the character traits and attributes that are revealed.

  • How does knowing God’s Word and God himself help me to understand who I am?  When I fully understand the depth of my sinful nature what is my response?  How does Jesus meet me where I am to bring hope to my sinful condition?

  • What are some of my personal and specific character traits that God’s Word has revealed to be in need of correction?  What steps will produce these changes and improve my relationship with Jesus?

  • What areas of my life can I train to improve upon my weaknesses? In what ways can this training be accomplished?  How can my practice in training in other areas of my life be applied to training my heart for righteousness and my hands for every good work?

Prayer: God, you alone are holy and you’ve revealed your many character traits through your Word.  I confess that I am in need of a deep, personal relationship with you through faith in Jesus Christ.  Thank you for making this possible through the gift of your Word and through your grace, mercy and love.  Thank you for your Holy Spirit who leads me to faith and spiritual maturity.  Help me, Lord, to see clearly who you are and how you want to change my heart through the truths that you reveal in your Word.  Help me to be a faithful disciple so that you can train me to make disciples.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

Posted by Roci Butler with