Marketplace Ministry Forum

Marketplace Ministry Forum

Sunday, March 23, 2025, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Our Marketplace Ministry exists to help Christians in organizations of any size to thrive spiritually, personally and in their place of business. We want to equip and empower business professionals to use their God-given gifts and abilities to help build companies that are built on the foundation of God's Kingdom principles.

Our Marketplace Ministry Forums feature a presentation by a notable business leader on what it means to thrive in the workplace as a follower of Christ. Forums are designed to connect business people within the church as well as to train and inspire participants to excel in the workplace. Following the presentation, there will be time for small group discussion and networking.

Our speaker and panel discussion leader for the March Forum will be Bill Truett, President and Chairman of the Board of Arizona Control Specialist. Innovation and an entrepreneur spirit has led him to create a total of four successful companies. He also has experience in the corporate world having served as Vice-Present of Control Engineering. A man of faith, Bill has never lost sight of what he believes is the true source of his success – his unwavering trust in God. He will share insights on “Faith and Forward Thinking - Innovating with Purpose in the Workplace“.     

The presentation will include a panel of workplace innovators and entrepreneurs of varying demographics and industries. Participants will also engage in panel roundtable discussions of the featured topic.




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