Community Care - Get Help

community aid, galatians 6:2

Highlands community care programs are designed to come alongside those in our church family who have a need, providing them support, resources, and practical help.

Care & Support / Need Assistance?

We are here for you! Whether you've recently had a new baby, undergone surgery, had an accident, or experienced some other significant life event, you can request support from our Highlands Care Ministry Team in the form of prayer, meals, rides, groceries, one-to-one, Christ-centered care through our Stephen Ministry, and other resources.

request Assistance
If this is an emergency or you are currently having thoughts of harming yourself, please call one of the following numbers: 


  • Emergency: Dial 911
  • Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
  • 24/7 Online Support:
  • Victim of Abuse: 800-656-4673
  • Domestic Violence: 800-799-7233

Current Needs

Check out these current needs from our church family and let us know how you can help by emailing George Mahoney at: .

  • Donate your "like new" clothing or household items (including furniture) to the Christian Family Care Thrift Store / Tel#: (602) 765-1478. Item sales support foster families and serves at-risk children in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Please Pray for our church family throughout the week. Click here to see this week's requests.
  • Upcoming Memorial Service(s)

Would you like to be part of the Highlands Care Team? Contact George Mahoney at to take your next steps towards joining the team.

Highlands Hope Initiatives

Highlands Hope Initiatives (HHI) provides assistance to individuals and families (valid Arizona residents) including meeting basic needs ie; food, shelter, medical transportation, special needs programming and serious circumstances which may affect the health, safety or welfare of household members.

It is funded by the AZ Charitable Tax Credit - claim your tax credit and help AZ families in need!


Donate to Highlands Hope

Adoption Financial Assistance

Highlands puts a high value on providing new homes and families for children in need. The adoption process can be costly, so we have set up a fund through Lifesong for Orphans who provides grants and interest-free loans to help families overcome the initial financial burden.  They also provide adoption and foster care resources. For more information, check out Lifesong's FAQ page.

Download and complete the forms HERE to begin the adoption grant and loan process. Once they are filled out, send the forms to:

Lifesong for Orphans
Attn: Highlands Church, Scottsdale, AZ - Adoption Fund
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744

If you would like to request access to this fund, please contact George Mahoney at .