Senior High


Highlands Senior High is a place where high school students can come together and grow in their love for Christ through games, worship, teaching, and small groups!

Student Connect

Sundays 10:00-10:45am
We gather every Sunday morning in the Worship Center Café before service where we hang out, have snacks, and play ping pong together before we go into Sunday morning worship service together.

HSH Wednesday Nights

Wednesdays at 6:30-8:30pm
On Wednesday nights during the school year, we meet in the Senior High Room for a service designed just for High School students. We laugh together, play games, sing together in worship, and grow together through Bible teaching and small groups! 

Social Media

Stay updated with what is happening in HSH by following us on Instagram.

Follow us on Instagram

Serve in HSH

We are looking for volunteer leaders to serve our incredible students, and we would love your help! If you are interested in becoming a Highlands Senior High leader, click on the button below to fill out the serving in students interest form. We would love to get you plugged in, and influencing students' lives as soon as possible!

Serve in HSH