Child Dedication

Child Dedication

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Location: Highlands Church, 9050 E Pinnacle Peak Rd, Scottsdale, AZ US 85255

Child Dedication is a public commitment parents make before God, the church and their family. The dedication provides parents an opportunity to express their desire to lead and spiritually nurture their child to know God and encourage them to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Child Dedication also a time for friends, family, and the church family to show their support for the parents, and commit to partnering with them in pointing their children toward Jesus. 

We will be having Child Dedications on November 4th and 7th during our weekend services with an information meeting on October 31st at 12:15pm in the Jr High room. 


Questions? Contact Kathy Benscoter at .

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