
We believe that baptism is an outward public declaration of an inward private decision. When one is baptized “in the name of Christ” you are declaring your identification to Him.

ready to take this step?

Our next baptism will be on May 14th at 6:00pm. If you're interested in being baptized, use the button below to sign up.


What is baptism?

We believe in “believer’s baptism”. That is, baptism is a conscious decision made by one who has already trusted Christ as their personal Savior. (Acts 8:12) Because baptism is a choice of one’s will - we do not believe in infant baptism.

Baptism is not a condition of being saved, but it is an obedient response to the fact that one has already been saved. Baptism follows belief. (Acts 2:38, 41)

Baptism is an outward symbol of the resurrection power for believers. (Romans 6:1-10, Colossians 2:11-12) As one is baptized into Christ’s death, so one is also raised by the power of Christ to live a new life.

Baptism is a step of obedience to the commandment of Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Check out some stories of people who have been baptized!