HJH Parents
Junior High is a time like no other to grow in faith, and come to know the Lord on a more personal level. We want to help you be a part of this process for your student.
What are Parent Guides?
It’s hard to keep track of everything teens are into, let alone know how to talk about them. But it doesn’t have to be! We created downloadable PDFs to help you understand the things your teens face, how to have conversations about them, and how to biblically disciple the teens in your life into lifelong faith through it all.
What are Conversation Kits?
Understanding tricky issues like gender, pornography, suicide, and drugs as well as philosophical concepts like evangelism, leadership, identity, and relationships with teens can be missed in the busyness of life. These topics are a tool for drawing parents and teens closer together. These video conversation starters help you learn and discuss these important issues with your teens. Conversation Kits bring generations together around a common gospel
Parent Cue App
Download the Parent Cue app HERE! This app is a great way for you to stay up to date with the lessons that we are teaching your students, and to get daily advice on how to connect with your student regarding these lessons as well. It gives tips on what kinds of questions to ask in the car, or at the dinner table to prompt a deeper discussion on the lessons they are learning, or the questions they may have about God.